iKONIC delivers multi-million dollar esports events and businesses that are growing rapidly

IKONIC will allow fans to own and share the finest moments in esports history and will give fast-growing multimillion-dollar esports events and businesses a new way to connect with their audience.
Video clips of the most insane and spectacular gaming feats will be easily mintable into NFTs with just a couple of clicks. And with a click or two more, they will be listed and ready to trade on IKONIC’s marketplace.
Creators can design these NFTs to pay lifetime royalties or even generate entirely new streams of revenue through the sale of sublicensing rights.
And all this is but the very beginning!
IKONIC won’t just be another NFT marketplace. It is going to be a community — a movement.
The IKONIC community’s passion for gaming is a powerful force, and we are going to help them wield it to do great things.
Together, we will:
Create a platform for an entirely new business model — one that will foster and support a wide range of new, exciting, innovative gaming titles: gaming as a service
Create a new launchpad that will bring the next generation of indie blockchain games to the metaverse and create wealth for everyday gamers
Create an expanded market for all in-game assets of these projects, which completes the ecosystem that will sustain their creations and help them thrive
We all know this is a time of great change in gaming. IKONIC and its community are going to be right at the forefront of it!
The time has come for us, now, to
Own The Moment.
IKONIC’s vision seizes upon two huge trends of our time:
1. The esports boom
2. The earthquake of blockchain gaming.
Each of these represents a colossal economic opportunity in its own right. But they are also both part of the greater gaming metaverse.
This presents us with a stunning opportunity.
We can build a single business off of both of these trends at the same
time and tap into the rich, synergistic potential that exists between them.
Before we share the details of IKONIC’s vision, let’s quickly recap the current state of these two trends.
Esports is massive.
Today, esports is a $950 million market that’s forecast to grow by 9% each year until 2023. While you weren’t watching, esports
competitions with multimillion-dollar prizes became a thing. Some now pay prizes bigger than the world’s premiere golf tournament, The Masters.
Yet if we look at this burgeoning market, we notice something is obviously missing.
In the legacy sports business, there are huge secondary markets that are built on reliving great sporting moments of the past. This includes large markets for sporting memorabilia and collectibles, with
the latter having been valued at $140 billion a year in annual revenues.
This traditional sector is undergoing a blockchain modernization of its own. NBA Top Shot has reported headline- breaking revenues that exceeded
$230 million in the span of a few months. They helped value this single company at over $2 billion.
But so far, nothing like this exists for the esports industry — yet.
It may be that this is all still very new, and things have just been moving and changing too fast. Maybe we have been missing the right kind of legal infrastructure. Big sporting brands use sublicensing to leverage and remonetize their IP without losing or diluting their claims to the underlying property.
We haven’t had a blockchain copy of this kind of structure — until very recently.
That tech now does exist. And IKONIC stands to be first in line to put it to good use!
There are no more excuses to stop us from the success of NBA Top Shot in the esports market. We will help the highest profile contests use the power of blockchain technology to multiply their revenues and reach new audiences.

Gaming is at the start of another paradigm shift.
Large virtual game economies with millions of dollars in annual GDP have been with us for quite some time now. Famous examples include EVE Online, World of Warcraft, and Second Life.
Until now, though, the economic value from time played in these games and the trading taking place within their internal markets has mostly stayed locked inside each of their distinctive universes.
Blockchain games break these boundaries.
Users are free to own in-game currencies and game assets that are represented as blockchain tokens.
And users are free to move the tokens around and exchange them with each other as they wish.
This incredible development means that these various valuable assets are now also convertible for financial value outside of their native games.
When you then add in the fact that blockchain businesses have lower overheads and don’t need to pay a dividend to shareholders, this means that more value stays inside of these games.
As a result, more value can be distributed to a larger number of everyday gamers and can also be concentrated into some spectacular prizes. Players can now play to earn.
The new opportunities created by blockchain-based marketplaces also present entirely new revenue models to support game developers and creative new games. Imaginative creators also can reap benefits form this blockchain-facilitated exchange that no longer requires armies of intermediaries.
This trend is only just beginning, so we don’t have too many examples to point to. Nevertheless, the precedent set by Axie Infinity is striking.
In 2021, we saw stories of individuals with modest incomes in the Philippines using this video game
to generate income and feed their families after the economic fallout from COVID-19. One fortunate individual even managed to buy two houses with his winnings.
We haven’t even begun to understand the economic potential that lies in wait. But IKONIC will be there to play its part in creating more incredible stories like these and to help its community prosper from this incredible economic change.
further information :
WEB : https://www.ikonic.gg/
TWITCH : https://www.twitch.tv/ikonic_official
MEDIUM : https://medium.com/ikonic-hq
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/ikonic_moment
DISCORD : https://discord.gg/FPckz79SUy
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/official_ikonic
YOUTUBE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgq5Ws23RjNuUNc-Sth_gCQ
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